California Junior Scholarship Federation
California Junior Scholarship Federation (CJSF) is a scholarship organization for junior high school students. Its purpose is to maintain high standards of scholarship and service for the school. Student membership is based on grades, conduct, and service to our school.
Criteria for Membership to CJSF:
- Membership is open to all students in grades 7 and 8 only.
- Students must maintain a grade of “B” in conduct during each trimester for each subject recognized by CJSF. A “B-” grade is not permitted.
- No grade on the report card in any subject can be lower than a “C.”
CJSF recognizes the following six (6) subjects: Religion, Math, Social Studies, Science, English, and Reading. - Students must accumulate a total of twelve (12) points. An “A” is worth three (3) points, and a “B” is worth (1) point. One additional point can be earned for completion of Christian Service hours during the given trimester.
- A student must be a member of CJSF for two out of three trimesters in both grades 7 and 8 in order to be awarded and wear the CJSF Gold Cord at graduation.
- Students who are members of CJSF in grade 8 only will be recognized at graduation with a special membership certificate.